7. Week Three of Treatment
This article marks another week of treatment, and as I had hoped to do, I’ve been a lot more active in working with charities on raising awareness. I’ve also done a lot more of the things I love, and spent more time with those who I care deeply about, which is something I’m so happy I’ve been able to say.
This week has also been quite an advancement in side-effects – Though my attitude is keeping positive, I’ve noticed my body has been reacting to treatment more than previous weeks.
Day 15 – Tuesday (29th October 2019)
Treatment was fine today, though as expected I woke with a mild headache. These are daily occurrences now.
Today I had my grandad accompany me to my radiotherapy session. Along with being someone that I look up to greatly, I’ve always believed that his humour and attitude towards negative things has shaped a lot of how I react to ‘shit hitting the fan’.
Grandad had prostate cancer a number of years ago – This was my close family’s first encounter with ‘the big C’, and it was close to home. After surgery and a number of weeks in the hospital to recover, my grandad was back to himself and didn’t let it change who he is. As a teenager (at the time), seeing this attitude to such a disease definitely helped shape how I’ve responded to my diagnosis of cancer. Having his company, and making him part of my journey is something I’m pleased I’ve been able to do.
Day 16 – Wednesday (30th October 2019)
Another headache this morning, and I’ve also started to notice my mind doesn’t work as sharp as it did last week. I’m also feeling that when exerting myself in any way, it’s taking longer to recover and get back to normal.
I had my grandma with me today – I’m sure my grandad would’ve given spoilers of what to expect last night, however I love having her around. Grandma has always been someone who is so easy to talk to, about anything. Although treatment lasts for less than 5 minutes, it can sometimes take 5 hours out of my day with travelling, delays, or reviews.
Chatting about random things, and having someone who’s been there supporting another (my grandad) through their cancer journey, it was refreshing to have her there. Plus, grandma had a bacon sandwich wrapped up in aluminium foil for when my no-food period was over – What an angel!
I also had a clinic review today, in which I discussed how I was coping with the side effects. Along with this, my nurse mentioned that I’d likely experience hair coming out in clumps during the next week. Hair loss is caused by the radiotherapy, not my chemo – and it’s only around my scar, so not too bad.
A blood test was taken today also, ready for Monday’s clinic review. The nurse missed the first time, but I’m so used to being prodded by needles from surgery, it’s no real issue to me anymore.
Along with my general clinic review questions, I asked if I could see my scan of pre-surgery so I could share it on this blog. I only had 3 or so week of symptoms before finding my tumour, and it was pretty big! I urge you to check my article about signs and symptoms, and if you feel that your body is doing strange shit, get yourself checked!
My original pre-surgery MRI scan – You can see the mid-line starting to curve due to the pressure of the tumour.
Day 17 – Thursday (31st October 2019)
Today I had my dad with me again which was great. I never see enough of him, and I want to include him more going forward. I’m definitely going to aim to spend more time with him once I’m not in the hospital every day. Treatment went well, there was quite a bit of a delay getting home – Though this never matters if you have the right company, and I definitely did.
Halloween too today, so I made sure I got myself out trick-or-treating with my sister. I made sure I gave her a few frights, it’s a big brother’s duty on Halloween!!
Headaches, trouble recalling recent memories, and a little achy, but all otherwise good today.
Day 18 – Friday (1st November 2019)
I woke up early today and made it the morning’s task to get my hair cut ready for when the left side falls out. My barber is such a character, and could make even the most miserable person smile; what a guy! Oh, and he did a good job of sorting my hair too.
No issues again today, though the usual side effects still present.
This weekend was another with my girlfriend, so I got on the famously slow Northern Rail trains once home from my session. Food out, followed by watching movies and relaxing was the best way to end this long week.
Day 19 – Saturday (2nd November 2019)
Today was food shopping – I made sure I got some healthy food along with tasty treats.
I can’t stress how much having the right people around you makes treatment and recovery so much easier. My girlfriend is amazing – I’d be a hell of a lot less held-together without her. She keeps me right, makes sure I don’t overdo it, and is my go-to when I feel down. I’m so lucky to have her.
It’s so important to have someone there who you feel comfortable sharing exactly how you feel. My girlfriend is this person, and I can’t thank her enough for being my rock and for keeping me sane throughout such insane times.
Day 20 – Sunday (3rd November 2019)
Hairloss, whooo! In the shower today I noticed a few hairs on my hand as I washed my hair. I’ve got a little patch at the top of my scar, nothing too noticeable just yet.
Shopping for new jeans, and making a huge lasagna, today was a nice normal day. No cancer thoughts and I got to cook from scratch – Something I love doing but don’t get enough chance to lately due to the mixed schedules of treatment. I’ll definitely do more cooking and baking once clear of radiotherapy.
Bonfire night too tonight, with a small bonfire and a good fireworks display. Make sure you don’t hide away from events like this, even if they’re outside in the cold (make sure you stay wrapped up though).
Firework display – Make sure you don’t spend all night filming it, are you ever really gonna look at those videos again?
Day 21 – Monday (4th November 2019)
I woke up early today, making sure I got myself some breakfast before I was unable to eat. I cooked pancakes and set off for my first trip in on my own to the cancer centre. I’m pretty proud of my pancakes…
Should’ve sieved the flour first to not get those dots…
Today marks halfway through radiotherapy, 15 of 30 treatments down. I got straight in for radiotherapy and had my clinic review. I was sorted super quickly, though I had the next 3 weeks of chemo tablets to pickup – This took over an hour and a half due to needing a signature from specific key people.
My TMZ chemo pills.
All good today, so I decided to spend my evening catching up with friends who I’ve not seen for a while.
This week has been a very personal one, I’m pleased it has been though. I’ve also been able to spend time focussing on how I can help charities and others better – Next week’s article should reveal a little more detail I hope…
Onto week 4!